Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Boston Legal

It must be the mixture of inappropriate humour and fast paced legal talk that so attracts me to this show. Right. There's also William Shatner and the somewhat odd but oh-so-brilliant James Spader. He deserved every Emmy he has received.

I like Alan Shore's style. (Are all these lawyer types full of annoying idiosyncracies?) I can't honestly say that I understand that character, because it requires tremendous effort to see through his bluffing--or perhaps emotional bulwark, I don't know which--and I just do not know what sort of a person he really is. But, I like his style. The passion with which he closes is something that I aspire to achieve, and more than that, to exercise, because I've always believed that I have the potential in me.

Why didn't I watch this earlier? It's already season five, which means I have about 80 episodes to catch up, totalling 60 hours. ...Astonishing. Perhaps I can work that into my GRE and GMAT writing preparation. --Ha! I should be rewarded for my ingenuity.

Moving on.

Passion really is the first thing that goes as we age. From first-hand experience I can tell you that I'm not nearly as engrossed in or devoted to my undertakings as I was even a mere two years ago, when I still had hopes and dreams; and from second-hand experience--here's the clencher--it seems that the departing of passion is only a symptom of a much more gruesome underlying disease:

Disillusionment. Disenchantment. Dissatisfaction. Disappointment.

What I don't buy is how Alan could react so well to Denny's little ego-boosting "pep talk." He was obviously resigned to the fact that no more progress could be made with the woman from whom he walked away. Well, that makes things easier: to recover when one is already cured. But how to make that first step? Must time and emotional distance be involved?

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